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Grass-Fed, Pasture Rasied, 20% IgG+

Colostrum+ Performance

Colostrum+ Performance

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Bovine Colostrum is the most scientifically researched whole-foods available to humans. Also called first milk, colostrum is a scarce resource containing an estimated 250+ bioactive and regenerative compounds including:

✔️ Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA).
✔️ Secretary Immunoglobulin (SIgA).
✔️ Growth Factors (IGF-1 & 2, TGF-β1 & β2).
✔️ Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF).
✔️ Prebiotic Oligosaccharides.
✔️ Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines.
✔️ Proline Rich Polypeptides.

✔️ Lactoferrin & so much more.

Scientific Studies Show That Colostrum:

🌟 Is 3x More Effective than the Flu Vaccine.
🌟 Repairs Leaky Gut Syndrome in Athletes.
🌟 Enhances Lean Muscle Mass & Strength.
🌟 Increases Peak Anaerobic Power.
🌟 Improves Performance & Sport Times.
🌟 Fortifies & Boosts Athlete Immunity.
🌟 Enhances the Speed Of Recovery.
🌟 Improves Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
🌟 Regulates & Maintains Iron In Athletes.
🌟 Speeds Up Wound Healing.

The Gold Standard In Colostrum:

Our colostrum is the only colostrum sourced from a unique set of pastures located near New Zealand's Southern Alps. Sourced from grass-fed and pasture raised cattle only, we use low thermal processing technology to maintain colostrums impressive bioactive profile when turning it into a powder.

✔️ Verified & Tested 20% IgG+, IgM & IgA.
✔️ Verified & Tested IGF-1 & 2, TGF-β1 & β2.
✔️ Verified & Tested Vitamin & Minerals.
✔️ Low Thermal Processing Technology.
✔️ Optimal Powdered Form.
✔️ Responsibly Collected At All Times.
✔️ Collected Only During Calving Season.
✔️ No Antibiotics or Hormones.
✔️ No Additives, Preservatives or Fillers.
✔️ Halal & Kosher.

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Used by Elite Athletes, Colostrum is #1 For Boosting Performance Naturally

Containing 250+ bioactives, colostrum is a scarce superfood shown to repair the gut, improve strength, fortify athlete immunity, increase lean muscle and speed up recovery + much more.

  • 179+ Studies

  • 250+ Bio Actives

  • 20% Active IgG+

  • Growth Factors+

  • Southern Alps+

  • Mucosal Repair+

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The Science Speaks for Itself. Studies Show That Colostrum Transforms Human Performance

  • Enhances Lean Muscle Mass & Strength

    In studies, Colostrum was shown to improve leg press and upper body strength and also increase muscle thickness and tissue mass (1). While another study showed that 8 weeks of colostrum led to an increase in bone free lean body mass in both men and women (2).

  • Increases Peak Anaerobic Power

    Peak anaerobic power measures the output during the first 2-5 seconds of an effort. In one study, colostrum was shown to significantly improve peak anaerobic powder in those doing resistance and plyometric training (3). In particular, these athletes saw large improvements in peak vertical jump power and peak cycle power.

  • Improves Performance & Sport Times

    A few seconds makes a large difference. In one study looking at 42 elite cyclists, colostrum improved time trial times by 158 seconds compared to controls (4). While another study looking at endurance runners found a 5.2% increase in performance (5).

  • Fortifies Athlete Immunity In A Big Way

    One of the biggest limiting factors to making progress is getting sick. In long distance runners, bovine colostrum increased s-IgA levels by 79%. s-IgA is essential for protecting against illness (6). In other studies, colostrum prevented URTIs in athletes (7), was 3x more effective than the flu vaccine and improved immune markers post workout (8)(9).

  • Blunts Leaky Gut (Intestinal Permeability) In Athletes

    It's not uncommon for athletes to have gut issues, especially following high-intensity exercise. This is because of something called Leaky Gut Syndrome, which occurs when the tight junctions in the gut become damaged. Symptoms often include diarrhoea, bloating, fatigue & poor recovery. In studies, colostrum has been shown to repair leaky gut by 70% and 80% respectively (10)(11). In a meta analysis, it also reduced diarrhoea by 70% (12).

  • Enhances the Speed Of Recovery

    Recover faster and feel better. In a study looking at the effects of low dose colostrum on soccer players, colostrum was shown to reduce muscle damage and improve recovery (13). Given its gut repair qualities, scientists believe colostrum improves the function of the small intestine, thereby increasing the absorption of nutrients and the bodies ability to direct these nutrients towards damaged tissue (14).

  • Improves Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

    Heart rate variability is a direct marker of your body's ability to handle stressful situations. Low HRV is associated with less resilience and a lower tolerance to handle stressful situations. While high HRV is connected to better health outcomes. In one study, highly trained cyclists taking colostrum improved their Heart Rate Variability compared to controls (15).

  • Regulates & Maintains Iron In Athletes

    Iron is one of the most common deficiencies and can worsen with high intensity exercise. In one study looking at the role of colostrum in highly trained female athletes, colostrum reduced the harmful effects of free radicals, oxidative stress and inflammation (16). It also had a positive effect on stabilising iron metabolism parameters. Colostrum also contains lactoferrin, which has has been shown to be more effective at raising iron levels than regular iron tablets (17).

  • Maintains Hormone Levels During Strenuous Exercise

    While resistance training like lifting weights can increase testosterone in men, occasionally athletes engaging in consistent endurance events report lower testosterone levels. in one study, colostrum was shown to maintain testosterone concentrations over consecutive days of competitive cycling when compared with the control group (18).

The Benefits of Colostrums Bioactives


Colostrum is the richest source of Immunoglobulins, containing 100x more immunoglobulins compared to mature milk.

At the gut level, Immunoglobulins act as a defence system against bacteria, toxins, viruses, and other antigens. They bind, recognise and destroy these toxins thereby fortifying the gut barrier and regulating the innate and adaptive immune system.

Secretory IgA

Secretory IgA is one of the most important immune molecules which plays an essential role in ensuring the health of the gut barrier. It prevents the overgrowth of mucosal pathogens and bad bacteria.

Low SIgA levels have been found in people with IBD, IBS, food Intolerances, intestinal permeability and autoimmunity.

Colostrum has been found to help increase and modulate IgA levels. In one study, long distance runners taking bovine colostrum for 12 weeks, improved s-IgA levels by 79%.

Growth Factors

Colostrum contains close to 50 different growth factors including IGF-1, IGF-2, TGF-β and TGF-α which are exclusive to bovine colostrum.

Growth factors are natural proteins which promote healing and repair. Many of these growth factors have been shown to display antihypertensive, antioxidant, antithrombotic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity.

Studies show that growth factors repair intestinal cells, enhance immunity, build lean muscle and enhance wound repair.


Lactoferrin in an iron binding glycoprotein which plays an important role in iron regulation and immune health.

Lactoferrin displays antioxidant, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activity. It is effective against viruses, pathogens (like e.coli), the common cold and viral gastro-enteritis. It also reduces pathogenic microbial load.

Studies show that lactoferrin is more effective at increasing iron levels than synthetic iron tablets. It has also been shown to restore the gut mucosal barrier.


Bovine colostrum is a rich source of Prebiotic oligosacchardies.

Oligosaccahrdies are the only prebiotic shown to promote the growth of Bifidobacterium. This probiotic or species of bacteria has been shown to reduce gut permeability, inflammation and restore gut homeostasis (e.g. crowding out bad bacteria in favour of the good stuff).

New evidence is also looking at the role of prebiotic oligosaccharides in obesity prevention. For example, one study showed that the consumption of oligosaccharides significantly reduced weight gain and reduced intestinal permeability.

Proline Rich Polypeptides

Proline Rich Polypeptides are incredibly small chains of amino acids that have powerful effects on immunity.

They have been shown to promote T-lymphocyte function, stimulate undifferentiated lymphocytes, promote the growth of B cells, enhance natural killer cell activity, increase the proliferation of leukocytes and inhibit viruses known to be linked with autoimmune disease.

One specific Proline rich polypeptide called colostrinin has recently been shown to improve cognition and outcomes in patients with mild to moderate dementia.


Colostrum contains about 70 different enzymes with lysozymes and nucleases being the most common.

Lysozymes play a key role in innate immunity and provide protection against bacteria, viruses and fungi. They exert anti-microbial activity and improve gut health, metabolic markers and act as a natural antibiotic against bad bacteria.


a-Lactalbumin is a whey protein that plays an important role in maintianing muscle mass and aiding in weight loss.

It has been shown to improve sleep, protect against gut infections and support an overall healthy microbiome.

The Only Colostrum Sourced From Pastures Located Near New Zealands Southern Alps.

The Gold Standard in Colostrum: The Southern Alps

Our colostrum is sourced from a unique set of pastures located on New Zealand's South Island. These pastures are surrounded by the Southern Alps with lands so picturesque they could feature on a postcard. Cattle roam the lands freely and are grass-fed and 365 day pasture raised.

When it comes to dairy farming, We believe New Zealand is the Gold standard. Unfortunately, only 10% of the worlds dairy cattle are grass-fed. While Australia is the best for beef producing cattle, Aus dairy cattle are often fed a bit too much grain for our liking. While in the US, almost 60% of colostrum does meet the required standards for quality.

Low Thermal Processing, More Active IgG+ and Meticulously Tested

Low Thermal Processing:

Proprietary low thermal processing is used on our colostrum at temperatures much lower than industry norms. This ensures that colostrum maintains its bioactive compounds.

20% Active IgG+

20% IgG is the hallmark of high quality colostrum as it is the most concentrated bioactive. Our colostrum is exclusively selected from batches exceeding 20% IgG+.

Low thermal processing maintains IgG activity. Higher temperature processing can denature IgG and impact the reliability of the commonly used affinity HPLC testing method. This means that 20% IgG may be closer to 15% if low thermal processing is not used.

Meticulously Tested:

We provide comprehensive testing for microbiologics, IgG, IgA and IgM. We are also one of the rare companies who test IGF-I, IGF-II, TGF-β1, TGF-β2 as-well as test for complete vitamin and mineral counts.

Responsible Sourcing: Colostrum Is A Scare Resource

Colostrum is a scarce resource and is only collected during the cattles natural calving season. Only surplus colostrum is collected. This ensures the calf gets all the colostrum it needs to develop and be healthy with the remainder then being collected.

In order to meet yearly demand, colostrum is sourced from multiple different New Zealand farms across the South Island. It is then processed within 48 hours to maintain Colostrums Bioactives.

Avoid colostrum or milk products which come from factory farmed dairy where cows may get artificially inseminated leading to inhumane collection of milk and colostrum.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Quickly Will I Feel The Benefits?

As everyone is different, there is some individual difference in how quickly someone will see benefits. For some, they will experience benefits right away. For others, it might take a few weeks to a couple of months of consistent use to start to see more transformational benefits.

In saying that, the most commonly reported benefits pretty quickly including better bowel movements, less bloating, less gas, better athletic performance and just overall feel healthier.

What Does Colostrum Taste Like?

Just like whey protein but better. The taste is neutral so can be added to water, smoothies, shakes or any drink with ease. Some people dry scoop it because they love it so much.

Can I Take Colostrum with Your Beef Liver Supplements?

Absolutely, you are pairing the No 1 most vitamin and mineral rich whole-food (beef liver) with the most bioactive rich whole-food in colostrum. Amazing to take separately but also the ultimate combination when taken together.

Is your Colostrum From Grass-Fed & Pasture Raised Cows?

Yes! Our colostrum powder is sourced from Grass-fed and pastured raised New Zealand dairy cows only. We source our colostrum from a unique part of New Zealand where pastures are surrounded by the Southern Alps. It is a one of kind source of Colostrum.

Why Did You Choose New Zealand Colostrum Over US and Australian Colostrum?

We believe New Zealand is the gold standard for dairy and colostrum. The standards are the highest, the cattle are grass-fed and pastured raised and overall the quality meets our high standards for sourcing.

In regards to the US, one study showed that 60% of US colostrum samples were inadequate and did not meet the standards. For example, only 39% of samples met the standards for IgG count. While US colostrum is a lot cheaper, we do not want to compromise on quality.

Australia is the gold standard when it comes to beef and meat. This is because cattle are usually organic, grass-fed and finished like our beef liver. However, in our research, dairy farming is a different process and cows in Australia seem to be fed a bit more grain than we'd like. Still a good option but we want the best.

Do you Use Low Thermal Drying on Your Colostrum?

Yes, our colostrum uses low thermal processing technology to ensure more active IgG. Compared to one of the main US colostrum suppliers, our colostrum contained more active IgG.

What Serving Size is Best For Me?

Different colostrum serving sizes have different benefits. 3g is a good place to start. Our serving size of 3g is informed by research to suit most health outcomes. Just 500mg has been shown to improve intestinal permeability while 3g has been shown in other studies to help with athletic performance, URTIs and other health concerns.

Why Powder & Not Capsules?

Colostrum should not be taken in capsules in our opinion. The power tastes good and has oral mucosal benefits when consumed in this way. Capsules removes this additional benefit from the equation.

Is it Halal?

Yes, it is Halal Certified.

Is it Kosher?

Yes, it is Kosher Certified.

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  • JS
    John S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 hours ago
    Quality product

    Fantastic quality, and feel great

  • AB
    ANN B.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    11 hours ago

    Have been taking for two weeks, feeling much better and indigestion symptoms are improving rapidly.

  • SM
    Shannon M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Great product!

    Starting feeling better within a week of taking Colostrum+. No more upset stomach or reflux and I have more energy. Will definitely keep using Colostrum+

  • CT
    Corina T.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    A great product

    I noticed an improvement in my digestion, energy and overall health soon after taking it. I like to eat it dry every morning on an empty stomach. I'll definitely continue to take this for at least a couple of months.

  • PL
    Polly L.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 days ago
    Extremely happy so far!

    Great taste! Easy to take each day, and I've noticed significant changes in my bloating already after only a few short weeks. Definitely recommend this product!

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Scientific References

1. Duff WR, Chilibeck PD, Rooke JJ, Kaviani M, Krentz JR, Haines DM. The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation in older adults during resistance training. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2014;24(3):276-285.

  • Summary: Bovine colostrum taken during resistance training improved leg press strength and reduced bone resorption in older adults. Both colostrum and whey protein enhanced upper body strength, muscle thickness, tissue mass, and cognitive function.

2. Antonio J, Sanders MS, Van Gammeren D. The effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and women. Nutrition. 2001;17(3):243-247.

  • Summary: Supplementation with bovine colostrum in combination with exercise training for 8 weeks was shown to increase bone-free lean body mass in active men and women

3. Buckley JD, Brinkworth GD, Abbott MJ. Effect of bovine colostrum on anaerobic exercise performance and plasma insulin-like growth factor I. J Sports Sci. 2003;21(7):577-588.

  • Summary: In 51 males doing resistance and plyometric training, bovine colostrum taken during training was shown to increase peak anaerobic powder.

4. Coombs JS, et al. Dose effects of oral bovine colostrum on physical work capacity in cyclists. Medicine Science Sports Exercise 34(7): 1184-8 (2002).

  • Summary: 8 weeks of colostrum supplementation enhanced cycling performance. Compared to initial performance measured 8 weeks earlier, those taking colostrum improved their time by 158 seconds while those taking whey protein only improved their time by 37 seconds.

5. Buckley JD, Abbott MJ, Brinkworth GD, Whyte PB. Bovine colostrum supplementation during endurance running training improves recovery, but not performance. J Sci Med Sport. 2002;5(2):65-79.

  • Summary: Bovine colostrum supplementation taken during endurance training was shown to improve performance by 5.2% after 8 weeks with researchers putting it down to colostrum enhancing recovery

6. Crooks CV, Wall CR, Cross ML, Rutherfurd-Markwick KJ. The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on salivary IgA in distance runners. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2006;16(1):47-64.

  • Summary: In long distance runners, bovine colostrum was shown to increase s-IgA levels by 79% after 12 weeks of supplementation. Secretory IgA is a known mucosal immune booster and protector again URTI’s.

7. Crooks C, Cross ML, Wall C, Ali A. Effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on respiratory tract mucosal defenses in swimmers. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2010;20(3):224-235.

  • Summary: In a study of elite swimmers, athletes experienced fewer URIs when they consumed bovine colostrum

Shing CM, Peake J, Suzuki K, et al. Effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on immune variables in highly trained cyclists. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2007;102(3):1113-1122.

  • Summary: This study found that low dose bovine colostrum can positively impact immune factors in highly trained cyclists, both during normal training and after intense exercise. As a result, participants who took colostrum experienced a reduction in upper respiratory illness.

8.  Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Di Renzo A, et al. Prevention of influenza episodes with colostrum compared with vaccination in healthy and high-risk cardiovascular subjects: the epidemiologic study in San Valentino. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2007;13(2):130-136.

  • Summary: Colostrum is 3x more effective than vaccination in preventing the flu.

9. Jones AW, Thatcher R, March DS, Davison G. Influence of 4 weeks of bovine colostrum supplementation on neutrophil and mucosal immune responses to prolonged cycling. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015;25(6):788-796. 

  • Summary: 4 weeks of bovine colostrum was shown to have beneficial effects on receptor-mediated stimulation of neutrophil oxidative burst which may help combat exercise-induced immune dysfunction

10. Davison G, Marchbank T, March DS, Thatcher R, Playford RJ. Zinc carnosine works with bovine colostrum in truncating heavy exercise-induced increase in gut permeability in healthy volunteers. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016;104(2):526-536. 

  • Summary: Colostrum was shown to significantly blunt the impact of exercised induced intestinal permeability by 70% after 14 days as well as reduce apoptosis and epithelial resistance by 35-50%.

11. Marchbank T, Davison G, Oakes JR, et al. OC-083 Clinical trial: influence of bovine colostrum on intestinal permeability in healthy athletes after heavy exercise. Gut. 2010;59(Suppl 1):A34.2-A35.

  • Summary: Colostrum significantly reduced intestinal permeability caused by heavy exercise. Compared to placebo, it blunted intestinal permeability by 80% and reduced apoptosis by 66%.

12.  Li J, Xu YW, Jiang JJ, Song QK. Bovine colostrum and product intervention associated with relief of childhood infectious diarrhea. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):3093.

  • Summary: In this meta-analysis looking at 5 double blind placebo controlled studies, bovine colostrum was shown to reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea by 70%. Overall, colostrum was also shown to reduce stool frequency and pathogen detection.

13. Kotsis Y, Mikellidi A, Aresti C, et al. A low-dose, 6-week bovine colostrum supplementation maintains performance and attenuates inflammatory indices following a Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test in soccer players. Eur J Nutr. 2018;57(3):1181-1195.

  • Summary: In a study analyzing the effects of low dose bovine colostrum supplementation in soccer players, colostrum demonstrated a reduction in post-exercise induced muscle damage and an improvement in performance when compared to controls

14. Coombs JS, et al. Dose effects of oral bovine colostrum on physical work capacity in cyclists. Medicine Science Sports Exercise 34(7): 1184-8 (2002).

  • Summary: In cyclists who supplemented with colostrum for 8 weeks, those taking colostrum improved their cycling time by 158 seconds compared to a 37 seconds improvement in the whey protein group. Scientists proposed that colostrum enhanced the function of the small intestine and the absorption of nutrients, consequently increasing the availability of essential nutrients to aid muscle recovery

15. Shing, C. M., Peake, J. M., Suzuki, K., Jenkins, D. G., & Coombes, J. S. (2013). A pilot study: bovine colostrum supplementation and hormonal and autonomic responses to competitive cycling.The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness,53(5), 490–501.

  • Summary: In Ten highly-trained male road cyclists, those who took colostrum had increased parasympathetic indices of HRV.

16. Cieślicka M, Ostapiuk-Karolczuk J, Buttar HS, Dziewiecka H, Kasperska A, Skarpańska-Stejnborn A. Effects of Long-Term Supplementation of Bovine Colostrum on Iron Homeostasis, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Female Athletes: A Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 2022;15(1):186.

  • Summary: Bovine colostrum supplementation for 6 months was found to be beneficial in reducing the harmful effects of free radicals, oxidative stress and inflammation. Bovine colostrum also had a positive effect on stabilising iron metabolism parameters.

17. Zhao, X., Zhang, X., Xu, T., Luo, J., Luo, Y., & An, P. (2022). Comparative Effects between Oral Lactoferrin and Ferrous Sulfate Supplementation on Iron-Deficiency Anemia: A Comprehensive Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials.Nutrients,14(3), 543.

  • Summary: Lactoferrin supplementation outperformed iron tablets in improving iron levels.

18. Shing, C. M., Peake, J. M., Suzuki, K., Jenkins, D. G., & Coombes, J. S. (2013). A pilot study: bovine colostrum supplementation and hormonal and autonomic responses to competitive cycling.The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness,53(5), 490–501.

  • Summary: In Ten highly-trained male road cyclists, those who took colostrum significantly prevented a decrease in testosterone concentration over the race period