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Experts Are Using Beef Liver For These 9 Health Concerns

Beef liver has been consumed by our ancestors for hundreds of years and for good reason.

It is close to being nature's most nutrient dense wholefood packed full of nutrients, cofactors, peptides and more.

Among naturopaths, nutritionists and other health experts beef liver has gained popularity given its versatility in supporting different health needs.

In particular, it shows great utility in health concerns where nutrient deficiencies and western lifestyles intersect.

For this reason, beef liver is one of many tools health experts are using in a holistic and functional approach to supporting good health.

Below are 9 ways naturopaths, nutritionists and other health experts are utilising beef liver to support their patients.

1. Nutrient Replenishment For Women On Oral Contraception

One of the most common side effects of being on oral contraception is nutrient depletion. The pill has been shown to deplete the following nutrients (1)(2):

  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate)
  • Vitamin B12 
  • CoQ10 
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium 
  • Zinc

With exception of magnesium, beef liver contains all these nutrients in high amounts so has utility in being used to support the nutritional needs of women currently on or coming off the pill.

Learn More: How Oral Contraception Significantly Changes Nutritional Needs

2. Low Iron & Anaemia Support

Low iron is one of the most health concerns impacting women. 

While some women have success with traditional treatment options, the large majority struggle to improve their iron status.

There are many reasons for this which may include gut issues, taking iron without cofactors and taking too large a dose.

Outside of beef spleen, beef liver is often used by health experts because it contains a good amount of haem iron but is also extremely rich in iron absorption cofactors.

Vitamin A, folate, B12, copper and choline have all been shown to play a role in improving iron status and symptoms (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11).

Beef liver contains all these nutrients in high amounts.

Learn More: 3 Reasons Your Iron Levels Won’t Improve (1 Simple Solution)

3. Nutrient Support For Male & Female Fertility

Fertility is on the decline with some estimates putting male sperm counts at 0 by 2045. 

While fertility is complex, one of the leading causes of infertility is nutrient deficiencies (12)(13).

Beef liver is a versatile fertility wholefood because it contains nearly all the necessary nutrient building blocks for healthy sperm, testicles and eggs.

It contains high amounts of 5 of the most important nutrients for male and female reproductive health including Vitamin A, B12, Folate, Zinc & Selenium (14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19).

In fact, Caitlin Gilmore at the pregnancy culture (RN, Nutrition Consultant) has said that if her and her husband were preparing for a little one, beef liver or a beef liver supplement would be on the top of the list.

Learn More: 5 Reasons Men & Women Should Eat Beef Liver For Fertility

4. Nutrient Support For Male Vitality & Testosterone Levels

Men in their 30s now have the same Testosterone levels as a 60 year old man from the 1980s

What is one of the main causes driving low Testosterone levels in men? Nutrient insufficiency. Studies show that men eating nutrient-deprived western diets, have much lower sperm and testosterone levels than men eating nutrient dense diets (20).

Beef liver provides utility in supporting male hormones as it has many of the nutrients needed to support male hormones including testosterone.

Vitamin A in particular is one nutrient which is increasingly being linked as playing an essential role in testosterone production.

In animal studies, Vitamin A has been shown to increase the amount of Leydig cells in the testicles (21). Leydig cells are the primary source of testosterone in males (22). A deficiency in Vitamin A has also been shown to adversely impact testosterone levels (23)(24).

In one study, it was found that Vitamin A and Iron supplementation together were just as effective as TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) in inducing puberty in delayed onset males (25). The authors found that Vitamin A supplementation led to a significant increase in nocturnal growth hormone levels.

Beef liver is the richest food source of the active form of vitamin A.

Learn More: Low Testosterone? Why Beef Liver Could Unlock Your ‘T’

5. Nutrient Replenishment for Postnatal Depletion

Postnatal depletion describes the period following pregnancy where a mothers nutrients stores are low and need replenishment.

This is the result of the mother supplying nutrients to the growing baby, which can lead to low nutrition concentrations in the maternal blood and brain (26). 

Nutrients like vitamin A, iron, zinc, folate, B12, selenium and omegas often become depleted.

Nutrient refuelling is incredibly important during this period as it can protect against certain postnatal health concerns and symptoms.

For example, a woman's risk of developing depression increases when they do not meet their folate requirements during pregnancy or post pregnancy (27)(28). Studies also show that nutrient dense diets during pregnancy reduce the risk for prenatal depression (29).

Alongside wholefoods like salmon and eggs, beef liver is a great tool for helping replenish postnatal depletion given how nutrient dense it is. It contains many of the most depleted nutrients including folate, B12, iron, Vitamin A, Choline, B vitamins, selenium, zinc plus more.

6. Supporting Nutrient Gaps For ADHD 

ADHD and the inability to sit down and focus has become widespread.

While ADHD has many causes, there have been some which have hypothesised that nutrient deficiencies could play a major role.

Studies continually show evidence that people with ADHD often have B vitamin deficiencies. The B vitamins play an essential role in cognition, attention, concentration and focus.

One study for instance, found lower concentrations of B2, B6 and B9 in those with ADHD compared to those without (30). While another study found that 21% of patients with ADHD had a B12 deficiency (31). 

When supplementing with B12 alone, studies show that it improved attention deficits in children and adolescents (32)(33). 

Beef liver is being used to naturally support those with focus, brain fog or attention concerns given it is one of the richest food sources of body compatible B vitamins available to us. For example, just 28 grams of beef liver provides a whopping 277% of the RDI for B12.

7. Wholefood Support for Prenatal Nutrition

Beef liver has begun to gain popularity amongst health practitioners in the area of prenatal nutrition - mainly because it contains large amounts of essential prenatal nutrients like vitamin A, choline, folate, iron, B12 and the other B vitamins.

Beef liver also contains these nutrients in forms which the body has an easy time utilising when compared to synthetic forms of vitamins like folic acid. 

Ensuring adequate nutrient intake during this period is essential. However, studies consistently show that women are not getting the nutrients they require during this time (34).

For example, it is estimated that 92% of pregnant women do not meet the recommended choline intake (35). 

Some gene mutations also increase the requirement for certain nutrients for some women. Below are a few common mutations:

Folate (MTHFR)

Common gene mutation which requires additional intake of active folate (not folic acid) (36)(37)(38)


Common gene mutation which requires additional intake of B12 (not cyanocobalamin) (39)

Choline (PEMT and MTHFD1)

33% prevalence which requires additional intake of choline. If you have the Folate MTHFR gene you are likely to need additional choline as well (40)(41)(42)

Vitamin A (BCMO1)

Up to 42% prevalence which requires additional intake of preformed vitamin A. This mutation makes the conversion of beta carotene (found in plants) difficult and is why plant based diets can cause issues (43)(44)

Beef liver has become a go to tool in this area because it is packed full of nutrients and contains active forms of vitamins which can assist in overcoming specific genetic mutations. For example, it contains preformed vitamin A which bypasses the BCMO1 mutation.

As always, seek advice from your health care professional when looking to add new foods into your diet during this time. They can tailor nutritional requirements to your individual needs.

Learn More: Debunking Vitamin A On Your Prenatal to Postnatal Journey (Complete Guide)

8. Wholefood Support For Intestinal Permeability & IBD

Gut issues and IBD are on the rise which coincides heavily with the prominence of the western diet.

Health experts are mainly using beef liver for gut issues for one main reason which is vitamin A. As discussed, beef liver is the richest food source of preformed, active vitamin A.

Vitamin A seems to be heavily implicated in IBD and gut health.

In one study, it was found that people with crohn's disease had a higher prevalence of vitamin A deficiency (45). While another study showed that vitamin A deficiency exacerbates inflammatory colitis (46).

When vitamin A supplementation is added, IBD symptoms seem to improve. In one study, people with ulcerative colitis showed significant improvements in musical healing and disease severity after supplementing with vitamin A for 2 months (47).

Based on the literature, it seems that vitamin A plays two main roles in improving gut health. The first is that it maintains intestinal integrity and improves the tight junctions within the gut lumen (e.g. improves leaky gut) (48). The second is that it provides robust immune support within the gut (49).

Beef liver shines in providing a rich source of vitamin A.

9. Nutritional Support At Any Stage of Health

Perhaps the most common use case for beef liver is for general health.

Given the amazing nutrient profile of liver, it can benefit anyone no matter what stage of health they may be at.

Whether you are looking to include a whole food multivitamin or need certain nutrients within liver, it has something for everyone.

Beef liver is great for improving energy, cognition and improving the quality of your life.

Learn More: The 9 Main Benefits of Eating Beef Liver 

Sourcing Beef Liver

When looking for high quality liver, opt for organic, grass-fed and finished where possible.

For those who do not want to eat liver in this way, we also off a freeze dried Beef Liver Powder. It is sourced from Central Queensland and is organic, grass-fed and grass finished.

Whatever you choose, getting some liver into your diet is going to help take your health to the next level.

Nahla Earth Beef Liver Supplement


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  49. Ibid.
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